The sickeningly hip writer/director Spike Jonze recently teamed up with the disgustingly stylish clothing company Opening Ceremony to create a fashion line based on his latest movie, Her, which tells the story of a lonely man (Joaquin Phoenix) who falls in love with his operating system (Scarlett Johansson). Although Her is set in the future, or at least in a time period where you can customize your Siri-like personal computer to have an insanely hot voice (and perfect breasts), Spike Jonze’s production design is more reminiscent of something you would find in either 1960′s Moscow or modern day Williamsburg. While this more subtle view of futuristic fashion may throw people looking for Daft Punk space suits and Kanye West Futuristic Lover off a bit, it’s perfect for a clothing line aimed primarily at rich white hipsters.
So, although the Her X Opening Ceremony collection actually looks modestly promising, it’s release only serves to remind us of other film inspired fashion collections that didn’t fare so well. Here are the 6 Worst:
The Great Gatsby by Brooks Brothers
Dressing like a 1920′s gentleman, just makes you look like a 2014 douce bag.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by H&M
H&M should not be inspiring it’s customers to dress like gothic Swedes.
Spring Breakers by Opening Ceremony
Never purchase clothing inspired by James Franco and Emma Watson.
The Lone Ranger by Will Leather Goods
If you want to spend thousands of dollars on a handmade leather briefcase, don’t get one commissioned by Disney.
The Hunger Games by Capital Couture
The Hunger Games movies sported a unique and inventive costume design, which should never be worn outside of post-apocalyptic, dystopian Panem.
Anna Karenina by Banana Republic
If you’re trying to look like a wealthy 19th countess, you shouldn’t be shopping at Banana Republic.
Film Inspired Fashion Collections
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