Not content just to excel in fashion design, film direction and music, Danish designer Henrik Vibskov has entered the art world with a new exhibition, titled
Neck Plus Ultra, at Galerie Des Galeries, Paris. Playing off the Latin motto “Nec plus ultra”, meaning “nothing farther beyond”, as well as the more literal subject of the anatomical neck, the avant-garde designer-turned-artist continues to push his surrealist vision, introducing us to his influences and inspirations in a multi-faceted gallery setting.
Neck Plus Ultra, Vibskov sets up a dream-like world, utilizing a mix of visual, audio and tactile works, collectively designed to enhance sensual experience. The exhibition, which runs until May 4th, 2013, exudes a healthy dose of genre mixing and includes original installations, pop surrealism and psychedelia.
DAZED Digital recently caught up with Vibskov for a chat about the exhibition and more, which can be read