Award winning director Sean Metelerkamp has created a new film for DIESEL + EDUN’s Studio Africa initiative, bringing together a marriage of lively fashion and dance, set to an exclusive track by The Very Best & Moroka called ‘Ndekha’ and featuring South African dance group, REAL ACTIONS.
Patsula vs Puppets, the video compliments the DIESEL + EDUN clothing worn by the cast (members of REAL ACTIONS), with Metelerkamp showcasing the vibrancy of traditional Pantsula dance, meanwhile bringing new life to the story behind the denim collection; a celebration of breakout talent from the African continent.
Metelerkamp has commented on the direction the video took: “These clothes actually determined the look of the film, because of the dancers, your eyes are focused on the dancers and they’re wearing that clothing, it’s very sharp on the eye. It was actually something new to me that I ended up really enjoying.”
More on the collection